Android Wear
Here is the steps to begin developing sample application for Android Ware...
It s for AndroidWear[Preview]
You Should follow Instructions
1. Install Android-SDKs
2. Install AndroidWearPreview
Emulator /Eclipse
1. Window > Android Virtual Device Manager > New
2. Set Name >> Choose AndroidWear Round/Square >> Android 4.4.2 /API 19 >> select CPU >> OK >> Launch
3. After Connecting your Android Device AndroidWear Emulator won't recognize ur device
4. Install apk below ** & Run it
5. on Path of ur android-sdks type this into terminal;
|| cd C:\Users\username\android-sdks\platform-tools\ (cmd below)
HTML Code:
adb -d forward tcp:5601 tcp:5601
Device is coming with several architectures
Try out this concept to your life
Also you can download sample apps and try it out
AndroidWearPreview -LatestUpdate.APK
ElizaChat4Wear.ZIP (Source Codes)
NotificationWear.ZIP (SourceCodes)
You can watch a demo of Android wearable device from below video ................More details will publish later... Trying to do a app tutorial for this .... Keep in touch with Explorer..