Wednesday, October 5, 2016

IBM Watson cloud with node Js

Today I'm going to expose you about the IBM Watson Developer cloud using IBM Bluemix cloud platform.

IBM Watson Developer Cloud.
Use language, vision, speech and data insight APIs to add cognitive functionality to your application or service.
(, 2016)

Bluemix is an open standards, cloud platform for building, running, and managing apps and services.
(, 2016)

In this post there will discussions on,
1. Speech to text
2.Text to speech
3.Tone analyser
4.Speech to tone analyser

First go to and sihnup for a free account and follow the instructions to proceed with the application development.Here I will be more discussing about the Speech to tone analyser.

1.Speech to text

There will be a application locally hosted using nodejs. Please follow the following git url and do the practicals as mentioned.

If you needs to have a look about how it works, please visit

2.Text to speech

Please follow the following git url and do the practicals as mentioned.

If you needs to have a look about how it works, please visit

3.Tone analyser

Please follow the following git url and do the practicals as mentioned.

4. Speech to tone analyser

Please follow the following git url and do the practicals as mentioned.

(When you creating tone anlyser service try standard instead of beta .Because this free plan will not give you access to create that beta service.)

Also make sure to change the manifest.yml file to change the service plan text.In my application I have changed it.So make sure to do the change in your application as well.,

In this phase you have to get the application credentials using the command "cf env <application-name>"

Then change the username and password according to it in vcap-local.json

Check manifest.yml file whether it is having the correct service names of the speech to text and tone analyser services.

So following these steps you can be able to to up and run a locally hosted application using node js.
If you need to deploy directly push it to the web, try "cf push" in the command prompt. 

Hope you got some idea about IBM cloud services.Cheers.