Saturday, March 22, 2014

Android Wear

Here we go after a long time I couldn't write any post .Today I'm trying to present you about

Android Wear

 In this werable device we can sear google , check weather , voice replies ant more .The Platform is already build and we can try building apps for this wearable device.

 Here is the steps to begin developing sample application for Android Ware...

It s for AndroidWear[Preview]
You Should follow Instructions
1. Install Android-SDKs
2. Install AndroidWearPreview

Emulator /Eclipse
1. Window > Android Virtual Device Manager > New
2. Set Name >> Choose AndroidWear Round/Square >> Android 4.4.2 /API 19 >> select CPU >> OK >> Launch
3. After Connecting your Android Device AndroidWear Emulator won't recognize ur device
4. Install apk below ** & Run it
5. on Path of ur android-sdks type this into terminal;
|| cd C:\Users\username\android-sdks\platform-tools\ (cmd below)

HTML Code:
adb -d forward tcp:5601 tcp:5601

  Device is coming with several architectures
Try out this concept to your life

 Also you can download sample apps and try it out

AndroidWearPreview -LatestUpdate.APK
ElizaChat4Wear.ZIP (Source Codes)

NotificationWear.ZIP (SourceCodes)


You can watch a demo of Android wearable device from below video ................More details will publish later... Trying to do a app tutorial for this .... Keep in touch with Explorer..